Vitality of communication in an epidemic emergency.

{“type”:”block”,”srcClientIds”:[“6a5cb880-3aa0-40df-b464-ad63717f24c8″],”srcRootClientId”:””}While the world health organisation has declared Coronavirus as a public health emergency for international concern (PHEIC), Australia on the other hand is dealing with the worst bushfire emergency in a decade.   Both emergencies have wide range of impacts on life. The devastation of wild life and forests to human…
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Emergency Preparedness and Planning

Emergency Preparedness and Planning How we treat emergency preparedness? this picture changes our perspective. It shows how much preparedness and planning is required for a fire truck to reach your doorstep. The degree of variance in preparedness depends on the threat posed, complexity of an organisation and  the venue. Proper…
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Communication in Emergencies

“The old saying “first thing that breaks in an emergency is communication”. The saying is so true as panic, physiological and psychological factors kick in to abstain the most crucial element “communication”.  Effective communication in such events saves lives. There are quite a few factors to be considered for emergency…
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